Healthy Eating - Give Yourself The Gift Of Health

Posted by javanuddin on Monday, March 12, 2012

Eating healthy can prevent serious illness. By making minor

changes to the way we eat, we can increase our energy, enhance

the body's ability to fight disease and therefore live longer,

happier healthier lives. As we age, our bodies are more prone

to disease. We have less resistance to illness.

By establishing a healthy eating plan early in life time will

pass but your health will improve. When you contemplate the later

years of your life, you want to be free from disease and able to

take advantage of the time that will be available. Retirement might

not be a concern for you but being healthy as you age should be a

concern for everyone.

The easiest way to get healthy is using food as the source of your

vitamins, minerals and anti-aging solution. In combination with

exercise, healthy eating will reduce your chances of falling a

victim to most chronic diseases.

Healthy eating is the cornerstone to regaining or maintaining health.

We are what we eat is not just a catchy phrase but a reality that is

reflected in our faces and on our waistlines. Optimal health begins with the

foods we consume. Changing our diets will change our healthy quotient. T

he more healthy nutritious foods that we consume like fruits and vegetables

the less likely we are to feel lethargic, catch constant colds or contract o

ther immune related diseases.

We can revamp our eating habits easily by eliminating some of the high fat content

foods and replacing them with foods that are low by learning the rules and

regulations that are part of an overall healthy eating plan. Some of the

basic rules is eliminating fats and replacing those fats with fruits and vegetables.

Concerns about aging can be reduced if we engage in healthy eating. T

he right foods in the right combination can reverse a trend toward obesity,

diabetes and other chronic conditions that becomes more prevalent as we age..

Making conscious decisions about the food we eat can provide longevity and

vibrant health.

Eating healthy not only impacts our personal health but the environment.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest released some interesting

new for those individuals who might be interested in not only eating

healthy but also in saving the environment.

"Forty lbs of fertilizer would be spared if every day for a year,

individuals replaced a 3-ounce serving of beef, an egg and an ounce

of cheese with the same number of calories from fruit, vegetables

or whole grains"

The environmental impact alone is a good reason to start a healthy

eating plan. The greater benefit is to the heart, waistline and our

longevity. Healthy eating really is the solution to a lot of chronic

health problems. Formulating a new healthy eating plan can reduce our

waist lines, lower our cholesterol and reduce our chances of contracting

diabetes II.

We can train our taste buds to like the foods that are healthiest for us.

By revising our favorite foods using less fat and sugar we can revive our

taste buds and learn to truly enjoy the taste of healthy natural foods.

By forming good healthy eating habits, we can actually undo some of the

damage that we have wrecked on our bodies.

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