Tasty Diabetic Recipes

Posted by javanuddin on Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If you have diabetes, you already know it's sometimes challenging to find tasty diabetic recipes. You want taste and enjoyment, while maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. If you're the chef in the family, you may want healthy recipes that your whole family will eat.

The good news is that tasty diabetes recipes are available, and it's ideal for everyone. After all, it's simply a healthy diet that helps control your blood sugar levels, eating a variety of foods in modest amounts.

Your diet should stress fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The key here is consistency, because if you eat excess calories or fat at once, your blood sugar rises. Eating smaller portions throughout the day helps avoid these undesirable spikes. Everyone could benefit from this style of eating, even those without diabetes. It's simply a diet rich in nutrients, but low in fat and calories. Still, it's sometimes hard to stick to your healthy eating plan, but there are some tasty diabetes recipes that can help.

A healthy appetizer recipe is for avocado dip, and it tastes so rich you'll forget it's healthy. Mash one ripe avocado, then mix it with 1/2 cup sour cream (fat free, of course), 2 tsp. chopped onions, and a dash of hot sauce. This makes a great dip for sliced veggies or baked tortilla chips.

An elegant appetizer that you could serve to guests is tomato crostini. For this recipe, you'll chop 4 tomatoes, add 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil, 1 minced garlic clove, and 2 tsp. olive oil. Add black pepper to taste. Let stand, covered, for about 30 minutes. Serve at room temperature on small slices of toasted bread. If you are serving right away, include the juices from the tomatoes.

For your main course, consider the ultimate comfort food: baked macaroni. Bring 4 cups of water to boil. In the meantime, brown ground beef and chopped onion in a skillet. Once the water is boiling, cook a pound of whole wheat macaroni as directed on the package, then drain. Combine the cooked macaroni, beef, and onions, and add a jar of reduced-sodium spaghetti sauce, placing in a greased baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes, then sprinkle with freshly grated Parmesan.

Finally, dessert. You might not be able to eat many desserts, but that doesn't mean you can have something sweet to finish your meal. You can even make a healthy cheesecake. Combine 2 T cold water, 1 package unflavored gelatin, and 2 T lemon juice in a blender. Blend at low speed for 2 minutes. Add 1/2 cup hot skim milk, blending until the gelatin is dissolved. Add 2 egg whites, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla, and 2 cups of low-fat cottage cheese. Blend on high until smooth. Pour into a 9 inch pie plate, and refrigerate for 3 hours.

With a little practice, you'll find many recipes that will satisfy your taste buds, maintain your blood sugar, and even serve to your family or guests.
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Healthy Foods Can Be Tasty Too With Flax Seed!

Posted by javanuddin

It is for a fact that diet and eating preferences contribute to the rising statistics for major diseases. A typical misconception about healthy food is that it is unpalatable or tasteless, particularly on the hard-to-please appetites of children. At the end of the day, we all agree that there's much fun to the intake of 'unhealthy' food that immensely stimulates our tastes buds.

Recent developments however suggest that healthy food choices can be great tasting, all at the same time. One tasty and healthy food option is flax seed, whether consumed as whole kernels or supplemented in ground or oil form. The preceding paragraphs will discuss the typical food preparations and health benefits you can derive with every serving of flax seed meal.

Healthy Food Choice

There is that growing trend supporting the use of flax seed as healthy food choice and as a substitute to often expensive ingredients. Why not fill with flax seed your next round of breaded chicken instead of the usual bread crumbs? How about getting an omega-3 boost in your favorite fruit smoothies by blending in sprinkles of ground flax seed? You can even add flax seed in soups, salad dressings, pancakes, muffin mixes and so much more. With a little practice in the kitchen, surely you can come up with tasty treats for your kids and healthy food for the entire family with a simple grind of the flax kernels.

Benefits of Flax Seed

Many health experts now affirm the wonder grain's ability to mitigate the risks of life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart attack and diabetes. Pertinent research also support its role in the treatment of depression, Alzheimer's disease and obesity, given the anti-inflammatory action of Omega 3 fatty acids occurring with its oil. Omega 3s are essential fatty acids that the body cannot manufacture on its own and should therefore be obtained from the diet.

In addition to Omega 3 fatty acids, the grain is packed with immense nutritional benefits including antioxidants, high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals in its oil plus dietary fibers in its husk. As to how extensive is the list of health and nutritional benefits available with every serving of flax seed; well, probably as lengthy as the list of sumptuous recipes you could come up with such a flexible ingredient.

So why not get your act together and start preparing healthy, tasty meals for the family. Start with the daily grind and sprinkle of milled flax seed over your meals and you'll be thankful for the great vitality you'll feel. Get flax seed online today.
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Tips For Keeping Healthy Food Fresh And Tasty

Posted by javanuddin

When you're on a diet it's hard to avoid the problems that come with keeping fresh fruits and vegetables. With a very little keep time, most of us can't get through all of the fresh fruits and veggies before they go bad. There are ways to keep them fresher longer, and below I list some top tips to help you do just that:

1. If you bananas are very ripe, freeze them for a tasty treat.
2. Perforated plastic bags work well to ripen fruits. The bag retains the ethylene gas fruits produce to help them ripen, and the holes allow for some air movement.
3. Toss a quart or two of freshly cut fruit with the juice of half a lemon to prevent the fruit from becoming dark.
4. To get more juice from you lemons, store them whole in a close jar of water in the refrigerator.
5. If your bread becomes dry, you can bring ti back to life by wrapping it in a damp towel and placing it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
6. Place a rib of celery in the bread bag to keep bread fresher longer.
7. Wrap crackers tightly and store in the fridge to keep them crisp even in humid weather.
8. When you cook corn, don't add salt to the water-it makes corn tough.
9. Do you want to peel a bunch of potatoes in advance but are afraid they'll turn black or spoil before you use them? Add a few drops of vinegar to cold water, cover your peeled spuds with it, and refrigerate, and they'll last three to four days.
10. Re-bake leftover baked potatoes by dipping them in water for five seconds and then baking them for about 20 minutes at 35 degrees.
11. Rinse frozen vegetables with boiling-hot water before preparing them to eliminate the frozen water in which they came.
12. Get more kernels popped in your popcorn by storing it in the freezer and then pooping without thawing, or by running ice cold water over the kernels before you pop them.

These 12 tips should keep your foods nice and fresh and should enhance their taste and texture. Try and use these tips to aid in your weight loss efforts. When you can eat more healthy food because it tastes better (than your "danger" foods like processed foods and junk foods) then weight loss becomes not only easy but fun!
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Healthy Eating With Tasty Foods and Still Lose Weight

Posted by javanuddin

It seems as if people do not eat healthy foods because they feel it will not taste as good as regular foods. However, if your health food doesn't taste good, you're eating the wrong health food. Just because something is good for you doesn't mean it has to taste bland. Nor does the food you consume have to be boring either. There are plenty of ideas out there for eating healthy without making sacrifices on taste Here are just a few of them.

New alternatives to eating healthy foods: While the health food market has changed in recent years, many new products and healthy alternatives are now available. Next time you're at a health food store, look around at all the different options. There are healthier versions of previously unhealthy foods. Try them; you might be pleasantly surprised with the taste.

Prepare your own food: While it is easy to buy frozen foods and use the microwave to fix dinner, the problem is that convenient isn't necessarily healthy, and the foods that are marketed as such usually do not taste so great. Preparing your own food allows you to not only eat healthier, but to maintain and control the flavor as well. If time is not on your side to prepare home cooked meals, you can use a Saturday to cook several meals for the following week. In this way, you will have an entire prepared; all you have to do is take it out the night before, place it in the refrigerator and prepare it when you get home. More importantly, you will have a meal deplete of blandness and questionable texture. Spice up your cooking: Good food doesn't have to be bland. Add different herbs and spices like Rachel Ray does with her meals. A great way to add taste without adding a lot of fat or calories is to add more spices. Check out the Food TV site and click on Rachel Ray's prepared meals. The spices she uses may be sitting in your cabinet. The meals she prepares are always changed by using a different array of spices.

Fruit can be just as sweet: Fruit is a great way to get your fix without binging on candy and chocolate. Instead of your normal afternoon snack, try an apple or fruit of your choice which you can easily toss in your purse. At dinner, add fruit as a dessert, side dish, or even put some into the main course. Fruit gives you lots of vitamins and minerals and it satisfies your need for sweets. Another great idea is to juice various vegetables and then add fruit to flavor. You'll be getting the added benefit of vegetables with the taste of fruit juice. It's quite delicious!

Dieting and foods are not synonymous with bad tastes. You can prepare food which is not only good and tastes great, but with a little ingenuity and a few recipes; you can enrich your diet regimen and ultimately lose weight at the same time.
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Foods To Lose Weight - Tasty and Healthy Desserts and Snacks

Posted by javanuddin

Are you looking to lose a lot of weight and fast?

Have you recently received an invitation to attend a wedding or class reunion?

Struggling with getting into your favorite gown or pair of slacks?

If you're like most, these are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of embarrassing moments. Not feeling at peace with the person in the mirror can be devastating. Imagine how not looking and feeling good about yourself affects your life. A sad and frustrated dieter who has yet to see results is someone who may or may not lack self-confidence, have negative personal and professional relationships and maybe wasting tons of money on non-nutritious foods.

If that is you than look no further. Contrary to what you may believe there are lots of others potentially feeling the same pain as you. Build on that bond and look for support in times of need. Now I cannot and will not offer you a false and exaggerated approach to weight loss. It's a waste of time and won't solve anything.

What I can honestly say and promise to you is a systematic approach that is easy-to-follow and bottom line has been proven to work. My strategy is focused around moderate calorie cuts of 100 per meal at least three times a week. For example for breakfast take whatever you like to eat and find a way to cut at least 100 calories from it at least three times per week. By doing this you will have shaved 300 calories off of your diet every week. Repeating this process for an entire year (52 weeks) and you're looking at a drop off of five pounds. It may make better sense if I explained it in different terms 100 calories x 3 times/week x 52 weeks=15,600 calories/5 pounds.

Snacks and desserts

We all like to snack here and there to break the monotony of a regimented meal plan. And there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, research shows that people who snack are better able to control their weight and eat less than those who do not. As with anything, it's all about moderation.

Frozen fruit smoothie

A fruit smoothie is an excellent choice when you feel the urge to snack. One of my favorite recipes calls for one cup of strawberries, ½ banana, 1/3 cup of whey protein, and water. Combine the ingredients in a blender and drink when ready. This refreshingly tasty treat will cut around 200 calories per serving compared to store-bought pre-made mixes. Furthermore, the whey protein will provide your body with a supply of amino acids which help metabolizing and with weight loss.

Ice cream

Yes, I said ice cream. Haagen-Dazs specifically offers a chocolaty rich sorbet that will have your taste buds cheering and your mind at ease. Browse your favorite supermarket and you'll be sure to find that when looking in Haagen-Dazs section a sorbet that is completely fat-free, contains some protein in addition to fiber which are all good nutrients and helpful to you in your weight loss plan. On average, you're looking to save 100 calories and 14 grams of fat per serving when compared to a serving of Haagen-Dazs' chocolate fudge ice cream.

Snacks and desserts are kind of one the sensitive topics of discussion when it comes to dieting and weight loss. Most of the time it's because there is a perceived fear felt by many that by somehow having a snack here and there is cheating yourself and ultimately a step backwards. As you've discovered through this article there are several options that allow you to find that happy medium between being healthy and tasty.
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Fat Burning Foods - Healthy Yet Tasty Recipes

Posted by javanuddin on Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It is not necessary for fat burning foods to taste bland. There are many tasty yet healthy diet alternatives. And it is also not necessary to start dieting to reduce weight and lose fat. First things first; let us be clear that fat burning foods do burn fat directly, but help in the detoxification process. These foods should ideally be natural and raw since cooked food takes time to digest. That is why these foods indirectly help the body to burn fat or in other words, get rid of the toxins in which fat accumulates - by giving the body time to detoxify itself, thanks to quick digestion.

So, without a doubt, the tasty yet fat burning foods include fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, apples, bananas, dates, carrots, mangoes, oranges, spinach, chillies and Vitamin C rich foods like cabbage, watermelon, blueberries and broccoli. But there is no need to just stick to meat, fruits and vegetables for burning fat, and we know that it is impossible too.

So here are some tasty combinations of fat burning foods. The Turkey Meatloaf is a favourite. These are the ingredients of this tasty recipe: lean ground Turkey meat, one package should do; just a small amount of sea salt; half a cup of spinach; five or six walnuts, chopped; a cup of chopped spinach; a bunch of scallions, again, chopped; about one-fourth cup of golden raisins; half packet buttermilk and one tablespoon of ketchup (organic preferably). You need to put the meat in a bowl and mix it thoroughly with the ingredients except for ketchup, which you will spread on top after placing it in a baking pan and patting it down. Put the whole thing into your oven and set the time to about 15-20 minutes at 375. You can switch to broil in the last few minutes in order that the top can get a golden brown tinge. It is low in calorie yet high in proteins.

You can also try out the fat burning foods like healthy soups. One such recipe may include tomatoes, onion, beef broth, a celery bunch, carrots, pepper, cabbage, Worcestershire sauce, two chicken breasts and some brown rice. After that, cut the chicken into strips and fry them, and boil the rest, after which, some simmering for about 45 minutes is needed.

In connection with fat burning foods, one can also resort to P90X and P90X workout. P90X reviews are available online.
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Tasty, Healthy Foods

Posted by javanuddin

If you've looked around you, you can see that we in the U.S. have a growing problem...literally. Large numbers of us are fat and getting fatter. Part of it is related to culture, part of it to stress but to my mind, most of it is because of flavor. Who wants to eat something that doesn't taste good?

I've had to learn ways around that issue. I was 260 lbs, and that was causing me a lot of physical problems. I've been working on slimming down for about five years, and I've done fairly well, but there's still work to do.

In that time, I've learned how to replace some of the high calorie, high fat foods that we love so much with other foods that are just as tasty. I'd like to share a bit of that with you.

Avocados: Yes, they have a lot of fat in them, but it's monounsaturated. That makes it a healthy fat, and we do need some of it in our diet. Don't go overboard on them, but they are on the safe to eat list, and mixed with some salsa they make a great snack.

Balsamic Vinegar: There is a particular brand of ranch dressing I love, and finding something to replace it hasn't been easy. A high quality aged balsamic vinegar has finally done it. I am very particular about it, though. The cheaper brands at the supermarket do not compare with the more expensive ones. You should find one aged in a barrel at least eight years. The longer, the better, believe me.

Egg Substitutes: I'm not overly fond of them scrambled on my breakfast plate, but other than that they perform the actions of a real egg without the fat, cholesterol or calories. They even work in custards.

Fat Free Dairy: Sour cream, yogurt and half and half made fat free are good replacements. Fat free milk and cheese not so much so, at least for me. I use the reduced fat products in those categories.

Olive Oil: Tablespoon for tablespoon, lard has 65 more calories than olive oil, and the oil has a delicate flavor that enhances many savory dishes. Get the best oil you can afford, as it does make a difference.

Seasonings: This is where you can take your dishes and make them shine. Avoid salt as much as possible, we get too much of it as it is. Instead, use black or cayenne pepper, cumin, garlic and every other denizen of your spice rack. They not only add a lot of flavor, they all have constituents often used in herbal remedies.

It may take more time to find healthy foods that taste good to you, but as you can see, it can be done. Look around on-line for substitutes that offer you both flavor and a healthy dinner. If you run into problems doing this, feel free to consult a nutritionist. They may know of products that will fit your needs.
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Tasty Snacks Minus the Guilt - Healthy Snack Ideas For Healthy Living

Posted by javanuddin

Eating snacks is often said to be a bad behavior and should not be included in a person's diet. But healthy snack ideas can be good, if the foods are nutritious and healthy. Children are not the only age group who can monopolize on snacks. If you are already an adult, then don't feel guilty on splurging on these as long as they are healthy.

Healthy snacks can give extra energy needed for exercise. It can also help reduce hunger and it can prevent over eating. It is important to choose healthy and low calorie snacks foods because it can contribute to the daily calorie intake needed by our body. There are calorie free snacks available in the market, like salad greens which includes lettuce, romaine and spinach. Low sodium broth or bouillon and one cup raw vegetables like broccoli, mushrooms, cucumber and celery are also good munching ingredients for your nibbles. Diet jello and crystal light popsicles, on the other hand, can be your sweet delights for dessert.

There are very low calories snacks available on the market. Foods like these include, one small piece of fruit like pear and apple, peach, nectarine and orange, half slice of a small banana and one table spoon raisins. Vegetables like one large carrot with a fat free dressing can also be a substitute. Crackers and grains option, on the other hand can include two cups air popped popcorn, five pieces of saltine crackers and one rice cake with skim ricotta cheese. If you are a lover of dairy products and meat, you can have an ounce of low fat cheese and pudding with non-fat milk or a slice of a lean turkey or chicken.

If you cannot stick to calorie free and very low calorie healthy snack ideas, there are other low calorie snacks that you can have without the guilt. Toasted muffin with jelly, one cup cereal with non fat milk, one half slice of bagel with alfalfa sprouts, cucumber, tomato and non fat cheese as filling or one small whole wheat bagels are just some of the mouth-watering choices that you can select from. A sandwich made with lean turkey or chicken, lettuce, tomato and mustard could be a substitute. Chips and junk food include a small tortilla or baked potato with low fat cheese and salsa as dip. You can also have mini pizzas made of English muffins or bagels with low fat cheese and tomato sauce. Fruits like grape nuts with vanilla yogurt, baked apple with cinnamon, banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter, fresh fruits are also healthy selections.

Here are some examples of healthy snack ideas recipes that you can do. A party parfait that serves two people needs two cups of vanilla or non- fat yogurt, one half fresh fruit and one fourth cup of whole grain cereal. First, prepare both glasses with yogurt, layer the fruits on top of it, and sprinkle cereals on top of it. Repeat these steps until the glass is full. For the finishing touch, chill your preparation before serving.

The second recipe is Bananas on a Stick that serves about six people. The ingredients include: three bananas cut in half, one fourth cup peanut butter, one fourth cup grains such as walnuts, pecans or granola and six Popsicle sticks. First, insert the Popsicle stick into the banana, spread the peanut butter and roll it to the nuts and cereal. Serve immediately or wrap in wax paper and put in the freezer for three hours before serving.
More aboutTasty Snacks Minus the Guilt - Healthy Snack Ideas For Healthy Living

Healthy, Tasty, Quick Recipes

Posted by javanuddin

Spicy Tomato Soup
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes

• 4 pounds of ripe tomatoes, try mixing different types of tomatoes
• 3 tablespoons canola oil
• ½ teaspoon paprika seeds
• 1 teaspoon garam masala
• ½ teaspoon cracked black pepper
• 3 cloves minced garlic
• 1 tablespoon fresh minced ginger
• 1 serrano chile, seeded, deveined and chopped
• ½ teaspoon sea salt
• 1 teaspoon brown sugar
• 2 teaspoons tomato paste
• 1 ¼ cups reduced-fat coconut milk


1. Wash and cut tomatoes into chunks

2. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the paprika through chile and cook until spices are fragrant, about 3 minutes

3. Add tomatoes and simmer for 30 minutes, occasionally mashing tomatoes with a potato masher until completely mashed.

4. Add salt, sugar, tomato past and coconut milk and simmer for 5 minutes..

Tomatoes are full of antioxidants, which are good for cells and help promote health. The antioxidant lycopene helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease and boost the body's ability to protect against ultra violet rays. Tomatoes also contain loads of vitamins including Vitamin C, and 44 percent of your daily value of Vitamin A. Usually it is good to eat fresh, raw vegetables because cooking releases some of the nutrients. But tomatoes are opposite cooked tomatoes deliver more antioxidants than raw.

Healthy Vegetable Quiche Recipe

• 2 frozen pie crusts
• 7 eggs
• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
• 3/4 cup skim milk
• 5 ounces chopped spinach
• 1 cup fresh broccoli
• 6 stalks fresh asparagus
• 1/2 onion
• 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
• 1/2 cup pepper jack cheese (change to taste)


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. Crack eggs into a large mixing bowl and add the milk, then blend with mixer, or beat with a whisk or fork for several minutes until well blended and uniform. You are going to want to whisk it until it is well blended because the more you do the fluffier it will be when you cook it.

3. Take the frozen chopped spinach and the fresh broccoli and cut them finely or I like to run them through a food processor until minced and then put into the bowl with the egg mixture.

4. Thinly slice the asparagus.

5. Add asparagus, minced onions, pepper jack cheese and salt into the mixture and stir well and pour half of the mixture into each pie crust.

6. Bake the quiches in the oven for 40 minutes until center is solid.

7. 1/8 is a serving but I like to have 2 maybe 3 depending on how hungry I am.

This dish is a great way to start your day with plenty of vitamins and minerals, protein and some fiber.
More aboutHealthy, Tasty, Quick Recipes

Cook Tasty, Healthy Meals Using a Rice Cooker

Posted by javanuddin

In the past, making homemade rice was a long procedure that could take many hours, depending on your recipes. Rice cookers were created to change all this. When you use a cooker, such as the Aroma NutriWare NRC-600, you don't have to slave over a hot stove, nor will you be stuck waiting while it takes two or three hours to cook your rice in the oven. You can make a delicious rice meal in less than a half an hour when you use a good rice cooker and because you are not making your rice dishes from processed foods, you can be sure that you will be feeding your family healthy meals that they will also love, because they are so delicious.

How to Use a Rice Cooker:

Using a rice cooker is just as easy, maybe even easier, than using juicers, which are also excellent gadgets to have if you are trying to get a lot more healthy foods into your diet, as well as your family's diets. These are fairly inexpensive and you can get an excellent one, such as the Aroma NutriWare NRC-600, for less than $100. So making healthy meals is not only easy, it is also really inexpensive.

When you are ready to make a meal with your cooker, you can make a delicious meal in a very short time. Just add your rice and the proper amount of water according to the directions on the rice package, turn the machine on and wait for about 20 minutes until everything is ready. While your rice is cooking, this is a great time to prepare your vegetables and other parts of the meal. After all, you'll have plenty of time, because you won't have to check the rice every few minutes to make sure that it is cooking properly and not sticking and clumping. You will get even fluffier rice if you let it sit in the cooker for a few minutes after it is finished cooking.

If you are interested in making healthy meals with rice, but really hate the way it clumps and sticks when you cook it in the oven or on the stove top, then it may be time for you to invest in a cooker, such as the Aroma NutriWare NRC-600. You won't have to spend a whole lot of money to get a great appliance and you may also want to look at juicers as well. After all, with this cooker, you can also make pasta and with the right juicer, you can actually make your own pasta from fresh, healthy ingredients, with very little effort and time. This is a great way to do something different and experiment with different ingredients.
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Make a New Year's Resolution to Have More Healthy, Tasty, Inexpensive Meals at Home!

Posted by javanuddin

Why not promise yourself that you will serve your family more healthy, inexpensive meals at home in the year 2012? It is not hard to do, is much easier on your pocketbook, and is usually much healthier too. This article is full of recipes for old fashioned inexpensive, healthy, tasty recipes to help you toward that goal! Notice I did not say these recipes are for a meal. You will probably not want to serve all three of these recipes together; they are just ideas for various meals. Have a great 2012 and eat well.


Growing up in the midwest corn country, corn was always a favorite no matter how you cooked it. Since corn and cheese are two of my favorite foods, I love this corn au gratin! You can make it even healthier by substituting whole-wheat flour for regular white flour, Splenda granulated for the sugar, egg substitute for the eggs, low-fat cheese for the regular Cheddar, and evaporated skim milk for the milk or cream. Simple substitutions your family won't even notice!

1 can (16-oz) cream-style corn
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
1/4 cup milk or cream

Place all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix together well. Place in a greased 8-inch square baking dish and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.


1 lb bulk sausage
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced
3 medium apples, peeled and sliced
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp flour
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup water

Brown sausage and drain. Arrange the sausage, potatoes and apples in a 2-quart casserole. Combine sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt and water. Pour over sausage. Cover and bake at 375 degrees for about 1 hour or until potatoes and apples are tender.

Make this an even healthier dish by substituting turkey sausage (but read the label well to be sure it doesn't contain ground up turkey fat). Sweet potatoes and apples are two very healthy ingredients. And believe it or not, the cinnamon is very good for you.


3 lb frying chicken, cut up
1 1/4 cups grated Parmesan cheese
1 tsp salt
1/4 fresh ground black pepper
1/3 cup butter, melted
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Wash the chicken and pat dry.
Mix the Parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper together.
Dip the chicken into the melted butter then into the Parmesan mixture.
Lightly spray a 13 x 9-inch baking pan with nonstick cooking spray. Arrange the coated chicken pieces, skin side down, in the baking pan. Pour the remaining butter over the chicken.
Bake, uncovered, at 425 degrees for 30 minutes. Turn chicken and bake another 20 minutes or until tender and juices run clear.
Yield: 4 servings

You can update this recipe to a more healthy status by removing the skin from the chicken. In my opinion, such as it is, substituting margarine for butter is not a healthy alternative. Butter is a natural product and more readily accepted by our bodies than is the artificial margarines.
More aboutMake a New Year's Resolution to Have More Healthy, Tasty, Inexpensive Meals at Home!

Some Healthy, Tasty Salad Recipes

Posted by javanuddin on Monday, February 27, 2012

We all want healthy food on a platter, and healthy food should be appetizing. Fortunately, salads have earned the reputation of being healthy and delicious. The following are some of the popular salad recipes.

Cucumber, Radish, and Melon Combo - This is just a lovely combination of fruit and veggies. When mixed with honey, almonds, and walnut oil dressing, it becomes the perfect addition to smoked meat.

Fruit Pasta Salad - Pineapple, pear, and other fruits may be tossed with pasta. Add cheese, lean ham, and veggies for a perfectly nutritious salad. Many would prefer balsamic vinegar for a kick.

Potato Salad with Creamy Dressing - Nothing can go wrong with this. Add cucumber and green onions. Then spread some fresh herbs. Note that potatoes are best when unpeeled.

Bulgur Salad with Shrimps - Parboiled bulgur can be prepared quickly. Add shrimps and you have a delightful salad that's just mouthwatering.

Garlic-Tomato Salad - Pick out red and green tomatoes for a nice color combination. You come up with a deliciously healthy salad recipe.

Crunchy Nut Coleslaw - This is nothing more than fresh white cabbage, radish, and carrot with bits of peanuts, sultanas, and green onions.

Broiled Veggies and Rigatoni Salad - Broiled vegetables make a good combo with thick pasta and some piquant dressing. This salad can be served with cooked meat or chicken.

Tarragon Chicken and Baby Spinach Salad - Make this even more appetizing by adding tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds.

Warm Sesame Chicken Salad - Chicken strips with sesame seeds coating, cornflakes, and breadcrumbs make a crunchy veggie dish. Add vinaigrette and some chili powder. Now that's perfect!

Pasta with Smoked Trout Salad - Serve this in the middle of the week with whole-wheat bread. This tempting salad recipe is good for everyone's heart.

French Tuna with Bell Pepper - It's colorful and flavorful. Imagine chunks of tuna, potato slices, tasty tomatoes, and crunchy beans mixed together for a tasty treat. This salad goes well with whole-wheat baguettes.

Tropical Salmon Salad - Salmon has a rich taste that is well complemented by fruits-orange and mangoes.

Oriental Chicken and Pasta Salad - Fish sauce, red chili, and rice vinegar give this pasta bowl an exotic taste. When added with fresh crunchy veggies, you get a perfectly healthy dish.

Asian Chicken Salad - Fried chicken with green onions, oranges, lychees, and snow peas give this chicken salad an oriental flavor. Creamy peanut dressing completes this salad.

Filet Mignon Salad - The leanest steak meat is broiled and placed on top of green veggies. Who said steak cannot be part of a healthy diet?

Shrimp with Mango and Melon - With light dressing and some honey and fresh mint, this salad recipe should be delightful.

Lobster Salad - This sumptuous dish is prepared with veggies, pepper, snow peas shreds, grapes, and cooked unpeeled potatoes mixed with lime-spiked dressing. Lobster meat is then placed on top of the mixture.

Mango Chicken Salad - This is made of tossed tender broiled chicken, asparagus, and potatoes. Mango slices, baby salad greens, and fresh orange dressing make this dish healthy and very tasty.

Creamy Turkey with Pecans and Grapes - This is just one of the healthy salad recipes. This one can become a satiating main dish. This low-fat salad can be made from leftovers of roast turkey.
More aboutSome Healthy, Tasty Salad Recipes

Tips to Create Tasty, Healthy Diabetic Recipes

Posted by javanuddin

Are you diabetic and wondering just when and how you are going to be having tasty food, if at all? A lot of people assume that they should not be having anything the least tasty or fattening with diabetes. While it is true that fatty foods prove to be a bane for your already troublesome disorder, there are ways and means by which you can enjoy a great meal by substituting the fat content for something healthier. Here are some diabetic recipes that you can use to preserve your own health and that of your family as well! If Thanksgiving is just round the corner and you simply do not know what side dishes you can serve that also will not show on your waistline, read on......

Merely changing a few ingredients and using healthier alternatives for your side dishes makes your dish nutritious while not robbing it of its taste either. In this article, we show you how to fulfill everyone's palate while also keeping that nasty blood sugar count down!

Salad dressings can include non-fat sour cream instead of the regular, extremely rich mayonnaise.
Waldorf Salad
4 apples, unpeeled and diced
1 cup celery, sliced
¼ cup each of raisins and walnuts
½ cup low-fat sour cream
2 tsp lemon juice
Pinch of cinnamon
Lettuce leaves

Mix all the fruits and nuts. Add the sour cream, lemon juice and cinnamon. Mix thoroughly and serve on a platter lined with lettuce leaves.

Using greasy canned veggies actually ruins the entire nutritive quality of the dish. If, for instance, you are making a green bean casserole, opt for fresh onion rings instead. This way, you avoid the grease. You could also use some cool healthy toppings such as Parmesan cheese, breadcrumbs and crunchy low-cal nuts! That means great flavor with very little calories!

Green Bean Casserole

20Oz  green beans, washed and drained
10Oz can of low-fat, low-sodium cream of mushroom soup
¼ tsp black pepper, ground
1 onion, sliced into thin rings
¼ cup walnuts, chopped
2tbsp Parmesan cheese
1½ tbsp breadcrumbs

Toss the green beans and soup sprinkled with pepper in a large bowl. Coat a casserole dish with cooking spray, arrange this mixture in it and place it in a pre-heated oven. Place the onion rings on top, garnish with walnuts, cheese and breadcrumbs. Bake till golden brown. 

Go sugar-free

Add sugar-free sweeteners to your sauces. Add a dash of spice to them, such as cinnamon, cloves and ginger and you can relish the fantastic taste without being upset about adding to your body's sugar content!

Cranberry Sauce
2 cups cranberries
2 cups water
2/3 cup sugar-free sweetener
3" cinnamon stick
¼ tsp cloves, ground
¼ tsp ginger, ground

Boil all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook for about 45 minutes on low heat till thick. Mash the cranberries and refrigerate.

As you can see from the recipes above, healthy meals do not at all have to be boring meals. Merely reinvent your style of cooking, switch to healthier ingredients and enjoy yourself with your newfound diabetic recipes.
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The Good Healthy Food Could Be So Tasty

Posted by javanuddin

Many people consider that a good healthy food is a not tasty meal with no joyful of delicious sensation. In addition, many people agree that the healthy diet is something inconvenient considering that enjoying a tasty food is the wonderful thing in life. It has to be discovered that actually the healthy food could be the greatest menu in your daily diet.

However, you should throw away your belief that a good food is just a head of spinach or lettuce on a plate. Considering the big advantages that you would get by consuming this diet, you could do many efforts to create the delicious and healthy food for the whole family. Moreover, good food that is full of nutrient would come to you in a variety of size, tastes, and shapes.

There are several kinds of useful foods, which each of them absolutely has a certain health benefits for your body. Commonly, they are the natural food to provide the safe food without any side-effects. Also, comparing with the highly processed food that delivers a strong taste, the natural and food is lower cost options.

Fruits and vegetables are the great foods to contribute the healthy life habit. The healthy fruits could be apples, oranges, grapes, papaya, banana, mango, and much more. Thus, the examples of amazing vegetables are spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, fennel, and more. You could insert a new creation of these foods in your recipes. Discovering a wealthy of delicious options would be the great thing to make you replace for processes foods.

Nowadays, there are many tips and steps provided to create a great meal from a natural food. It means that you could produce the great delicious meal from fruits and vegetables. You would be so delighted with the fact a good healthy food could be as tasty as the expensive processes foods.
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Help Your Pet Grow Up Healthy With Tasty Puppy Dog Food

Posted by javanuddin

Feeding a puppy isn't easy. If your puppy is to become an integral part in your family's life, you will have to consider their health above all things when choosing their food. Because of this, you need to opt for healthy and tasty puppy dog food to prolong you puppies life as much as possible.

Healthy puppy food should have balanced nutritional proportions that your puppy needs to grow and develop properly. If your puppy is to stay healthy, it would be recommended to choose dog food that has nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, and fat. You also need to know that not enough or too many nutrients can be dangerous to your puppy's health. Dog food that is commercially processed usually has tons of preservatives in it, so you need to learn how to pick the most nourishing and healthiest dog food for your puppy to stay in good health and shape.

Protein happens to be a vital nutrient that food for dogs needs to have. It would be ideal to opt for all-natural dog food with enough protein for your puppy. Make sure that your puppy's diet has at least 40% of protein in it because the amino acids found therein are vital in antibody regulation and muscle development. Several great protein sources would be fish, soybeans, and meat. Bully sticks and bones are also part of the mix.

It would also be important to opt for healthy food with enough carbohydrates in it. Around 40 to 60% of carbohydrates would be needed to keep your puppy healthy. As with protein, an excessive amount of carbohydrates in dog food would not be healthy since it will get stored in the form of fat and might make your puppy obese while suffering from other health problems. Several great carbohydrate sources for your puppy would include oats, yams, sweet potatoes, and bakery products.

Fat would also be an essential consideration when picking out healthy food. Great fat sources in dog food would include vegetable oil, fish and meat. Make sure your puppy's diet includes fat so that his skin stays healthy. Fat also happens to help restore other puppy health problems like inflammation and blood clotting.

As with people, puppies also need minerals and vitamins in order for their body systems to function properly. Because of this, you need to pick out healthy puppy dog food for your puppy, such as organic treats filled with minerals and vitamins that play a significant role in the overall development of your puppy. Such things can even help in battling diseases to boot. Aside from these particular nutrients, it would also be essential to add enough water for nutrient transportation and proper digestion. Take care of your puppy with nothing but the right kind of tasty dog food for him from now on. Be a good owner.
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Are Tasty And Healthy HCG Diet Recipes Easy To Find On The Internet?

Posted by javanuddin

Looking for delicious and healthy recipes for the HCG diet, but having a hard time finding them? There are a few ways you can use the Internet to locate the recipes you will enjoy eating when you use this diet to lose weight.

One of the ways you can use is to find a HCG cookbook. This can be easily found online using any major search engine such as Google or Yahoo. This may take some time before you find one that can be trusted to provide you with food you should eat that will allow you to stick with this strict diet.

You want to research each cookbook carefully before you buy anything. This way you will be assured that you will be learning to cook foods that work well with this special diet and eat foods that will not hinder your results.

Another way to find recipes is to find a site that is dedicated to the HCG diet. There are a few of these places online, but again you have to carefully choose one to use.

It is always wise to take the time to on any site that offers recipes that are directly on their site. You would be wise to use a site that offers you much needed information on their website along with the recipes they provide.

That way you can be assured you are getting good recipes that do not take away from the HCG diet. The sites that offer you recipes will give you many that you can actually use while still sticking to the diet.

Look for a site that offers recipes for some of the following:

- Many healthy soups
- Lettuce wraps
- Foods you crave chocolate like strawberry sorbet to prevent cravings
- Salads like Thai cucumber salad
- Healthy drinks such as soda refresher courses

This is just a small handful of the recipes that you can easily find on the net. It may take time to find recipes that you will like, but if it helps you stick with the HCG diet then it will be time well spent.

Now that you understand how you can easily find good, healthy HCG diet recipes online, all that remains is to start finding recipes you will enjoy eating. Remember that you should be careful with the site or cookbook you choose, so you can be sure that you are not veering away from this diet that will help you finally achieve weight loss.
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A Tasty Oatmeal Pancake Recipe That is Healthy For You

Posted by javanuddin

Regular pancakes are usually made from white flour and are considered not having as many nutrients as those made with other grains. They are carbohydrate loaded so in some cases they can cause your blood sugar to rise rather high. Flour pancakes have no source of fiber but if you use other grains you will be able to provide your body with less carbohydrates and a great deal of fiber. You can use oatmeal as one of those alternative grains to make an Oatmeal Pancake Recipe.

The original oatmeal pancake comes from a country you would not expect it to come from. They come from Sweden and are usually served with fruit and jelly instead of syrup. Oatmeal pancakes can be served with regular syrup too and they taste very good, but you can also put applesauce on them if you do not want to use syrup.

In this recipe use regular oatmeal instead of the microwave type. Also avoid the Quick Oats in the following recipe. The only oatmeal you should use is slow cooked oatmeal and you can use organic oatmeal if you wish.

Easy oatmeal pancakes can be made by combining one and one half cup of rolled oats with two cups of milk in a large bowl. Let this sit for about 10 minutes and continue. In a separate bowl combine one half cup whole wheat flour, one half cup all purpose flour, one tablespoon baking powder, one tablespoon brown sugar, one fourth teaspoon salt, and one half teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Mix this well with a whisk but be careful not to whisk so hard it flies out of the bowl.

Beat two whole eggs and add them to the oatmeal that has been soaking. Also melt one fourth cup of butter and add that to the oats as well. The last thing you add is one teaspoon of vanilla. Now you take the flour mixture and add it little by little to the oat mixture mixing well by hand until it is all incorporated into a pancake batter.

Get a skillet or griddle hot and add a little bit of oil or butter. Take one fourth cup of the batter and place it on the hot skillet. You will see bubbles start to gather around the outside and once the whole pancake is encircled with the bubbles you can turn it to the other side. Once both sides are nicely browned and the inside is fluffy and light place the pancake on a serving plate. Butter can be placed on top along with some syrup, applesauce, or jam.

A homemade syrup can be made to go along with your oatmeal pancakes and that is an orange syrup. This is really easy to make and will taste divine with the pancakes. In a medium saucepan place one half cup of sugar, one fourth cup orange juice, one fourth cup butter, and one fourth cup light corn syrup. Whisk this all together and heat until it starts to boil. Remove from heat and let cool about 5 minutes and serve over the pancakes. This is not the healthiest topping in the world for an oatmeal pancake recipe but if you want to splurge just once give it a try.
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Health delicious sandwiches recipes

Posted by javanuddin on Sunday, February 26, 2012

It is difficult to make a healthy meal for the whole family every day. Salts, fats and other unhealthy additives can be really full of sugar, which may seem a healthy meal. Even a salad can be a dish relatively little healthy with the wrong type of vinaigrette. What we really, with healthy foods are many whole grain products, natural foods and the type of ingredients step stack in the pound sterling.

On the other hand, this does not mean that it should be boring or devoid of imagination. Here are a few recipes to start healthy is:

Spinach balls


Spinach 1 lb
1.5 Ounces of grated cheese
3 C soup wheat flour
1 Egg
1 small onion
1 Cup of tomatoes
4. The crumbs
White pepper

Select remove, fresh leaves, green, foreign and wilted spinach and make washing the spinach. Scuttled off the coast of stem hard as much as you can and crumble the remaining leaves. Cook the spinach in a hot with a small pan of water, until the leaves are wilted, this will take you a few minutes.

When cooled, mix the spinach with cheese, flour and egg white, before adding a pinch of pepper. Sum up in balls and store them for the next step. Meanwhile, mix the eggs with salt yellow separated by return to the previous one and its coating with its mix of bread crumbs. Now, arrange the meatballs on a tray and leave in the refrigerator for a few hours or more.

You can add a delicious sauce of tomatoes, onions and oregano. Take the balls and spinach with only a few drops of oil, you, the balls, let boil and add to the sauce. Serve hot and enjoy the holidays up to a dozen of this Green and healthy fun!

French fries


1 Medium Apple
1 C. soup sugar
1/2 Cup of water
1 / 2 The cinnamon
(Increase of Apple wants to make)

The skin of the apples and place in a dish to cook and wash. A bit of water to implement the database and make a few small in the Apple of hacks. With sugar, cinnamon and sprinkle mixture then in the oven at medium heat for 40 minutes, until sweet apples and mashed.
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Recetas de desayuno sabroso y saludable

Posted by javanuddin

Breakfast is an important meal, not just any how tries to justify. A meal early in the day, you will less hunger other meals and also its metabolic rate only for the day.

Try the recipe following muffin, really delicious and easy to do:

Breakfast muffins

1 Oven heat to 190 ° C, gas Mark 5. Lightly oil a bun of non-stick frying pan with 12 large glasses.

Combine the first nine ingredients (grain flour whole simple 300 g, 50 g of laminates boiled oats, 3 large TSP bicarbonate, spices mixed demi-CUILLERÉE, land a half teaspoon of cinnamon, raisins, 100 g, 100 g chopped dried apricots, 50 g chopped Pecan, 50 g of sugar ice) and set aside.

2. In another bowl the rest of the mixture of wet ingredients well (sunflower, yogurt oil 100 ml 150 ml, 150 ml of milk, 1 medium egg batter, 2 banana crushed, average of 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 small grated apples, 1 carrot grated medium).

3 Pour the wet ingredients in the dry and stir until everything is combined. Spoon in the prepared dishes. With a few extra oats and some sunflowers and pumpkin, bake in the oven spread seeds and 20 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the Center comes clean. Leave for 5 minutes in the Tin and then cool on a wire rack. Eat when it is still hot. You can prepare the night before the wet and dry ingredients. Combining the two in morning and freshly breakfast baked in the oven.

Try the following recipe for muesli and try the yogurt and fresh fruit at the top:

House of muesli

1 Oven heat to 190 ° C, gas Mark 5. 350 G in a large pan Jumbo oats to disseminate and cook in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until they are golden brown. Tip into a large bowl can give and leave it to cool completely.

2 Set of mixer, pumpkin seeds 50 g of sunflower seeds 50 g, 200 g of mixed nuts (coarsely chopped) 200 g

Semi - Dried 75 g (quarterly), fried cranberries figs, 100 g dry Apple (coarsely chopped) and then start with oats. To serve, enjoy some cereal in a little yogurt or milk, at night in the fridge, finished for breakfast the next morning. Soaking cereal softens oats and give a beautiful
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Tasty Recipes - Tasty Cooking Recipes That Stick With Your Diet

Posted by javanuddin

Nowadays people are searching for tasty recipes to add to their list of normal daily recipes. In fact many people who diet feel that they will not have access to food that is tasty and appealing. That concept is wrong. There are many ways in which you can be creative and stick to your diet. It is not like the past where bland, tasteless foods were the order of the day.

With most diet plans you are asked to eat at various times throughout the day. The meal structure usually includes the three staple meals breakfast, lunch and dinner followed by healthy snacks.

One of the most vital meals of the day is breakfast and it should not be missed. This is how the body gets its well needed energy to be able to function properly throughout the earlier part of the day. Unfortunately with the demands of our high paced society and the eternal traffic jams many people are not able to sit down and enjoy this meal properly if at all. There is a solution to that. You can make a tasty shake which contains all the nutrients that you need. It can contain all of your favorite fruits and if you are able to, have it some protein powder. You can always buy the shakes at the supermarket but it is so much healthier and more rewarding to make you own. It will not take more than five minutes to do.

With breakfast long gone you may feel for a mid morning snack. The healthier options are always yogurt and fruit. You can have the flavored one of your choice. The yogurt manufactures have been quite innovative with their flavor ideas. If that is not what you want then you can have a healthy serving of seasonal fruits.

At lunch you get a bit more time to sit and enjoy your meal. Try to have a warm one that is of course made from a tasty recipe and is filling and packed with the nutrients that you need. You can always have a nice soup (if that is your thing) or a well balanced meal with maybe some baked chicken.

For your mid afternoon snack remember hat you do not want to spoil your dinner so keep your intake light. You ca opt for one of those health bars. Many persons scoff at the health part as anything healthy must taste awful but that again is not the case. Imagine having a healthy chocolate or yogurt bar in your desired flavor. They are out there all you have to do is look for it.

Close the day with a wonderful tasty recipe for dinner. It could be a rich beef or chicken stew. It is not hard to have something tasty. All it takes is a little innovation on your part.
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Pinones - Healthy, Tasty, American Treat

Posted by javanuddin

Pinones are the nuts of the pinon pine tree. Not the same as the stone pine nuts produced in Italy, China, and Spain, American pine nuts are harvested by hand every September and October in the northern New Mexico woodlands.

Once they are shelled and then roasted, piñon nuts make a tasty addition to candies, cookies, salads, sauces, and pesto, or they can be eaten as snack, especially, in New Mexico, as Christmastime snack food. These tiny nuts add New Mexican accent to winter cooking with their sweet and occasionally resinous flavor.

Piñones are produced mainly in southern Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado from locally native stone pine (piñon means pine) trees. Their shell is exceptionally hard to crack, making the nuts are usually expensive. They sell retail for about US $9 a pound ($20/kg).

Both European and Native American folk medicine have long used stone pine nuts as a folk remedy for nervous disturbances, tuberculosis, bladder infections, and upset stomach. They are richer in protein than most other nuts, and the softer-shell varieties contain more primary amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine) than equal weights of milk or beef. A 3-1/2 oz (100 g) serving of these nuts provides a week's supply of iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, and cobalt, and it is a good source of vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. Like most nuts, they are a good source of heart-healthy alpha-linolenic acid.

Eat piñon pine nuts raw or roasted. You can roast any kind of pine nut in a 350°F (180°C) oven or in a dry pan on top of the stove (tossing regularly) until golden brown. Be sure to roast be using in a pesto recipe.
More aboutPinones - Healthy, Tasty, American Treat

Eat Healthy and Eat Tasty With Indian Vegetarian Food

Posted by javanuddin

If you are suffering from a weight problem or a heart ailment, it is extremely important for you to switch onto vegetarian food immediately. Indian recipes are very popular all over the world. If you are a fan of this food, you should definitely check out some easy to make Indian vegetarian food recipes that you can master in the comfort of your home. Indian vegetarian food recipes have proved to be quite healthy. Due to this, a large number of people from all over the world have begun to embrace Indian recipes as a way of life.

If you plan to have Indian food as a part of your health diet, you should understand some basics about this food to make the most of it. Some of the most memorable dishes in Indian vegetarian food recipes include dosa, idly, aloo paratha etc. One of the main reasons for its success is that the dishes are extremely easy and fun to prepare. You can make most of the dishes in almost no time. So

One of the advantages of Indian recipes is that it tastes excellent. Unlike other health food cuisines, Indian recipes have the right mix of spices to make the food really tasty and wholesome. Also, Indian food is extremely easy to make if you have the right ingredients at your disposal.

Indian food should definitely be on your list if you plan to get back into shape from your previous self. Eat healthy with brilliant Indian vegetarian food recipes.
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Healthy Food Items: Sometimes Healthy, Sometimes Tasty

Posted by javanuddin

Gone were the days when the biscuits were eaten only as a purpose of snacks only and not much importance were given to their look and feel. But now days, market is full of biscuits in different shapes and flavors. These flavored biscuits have their own place and demand in the market. Generally an artificial flavor is added to flavored biscuits but many manufactures bake these biscuits in such a way that they add nothing like sugar, salt or any kind of artificial flavor. These are manufactured from health point of view. Many people would not like these as they would not taste as much as others do but if they will look the health benefits of these kinds of biscuits then no doubt they would purchase these. So next time when you go outside to purchase biscuits for you or specially flavored biscuits then see the labels on them and carefully buy as they do come in many options.

When we are talking of tasty foods then why not give a little thought to healthier juices also? These juices are extracted from fruits and either eaten fresh or processed and packaged by their manufactures for longer use. Some of the commonly used fruits for this purpose are litchi, strawberry, orange, mosambi, pineapple etc. They can be made at home also for which their machine would be required. For example, Mosambi Juice machine is a compact home device that can be bought and used at home for extracting juice of mosambi. These machines separate the pulp from the seeds inside. Since the seeds of mosambi are very bitter in taste so these machines help in removing the bitterness of juice by removing the seeds. The fruits are rich source of vitamins, minerals, roughage and help in fighting diseases also. One can have juice after and before exercising too. A glass full of juice can make you healthier and refreshed. In fact we should involve this habit in our daily routine to have a glass full of juice and if not juice then direct fruit can be eaten.

Though we read about healthy juices, biscuits above but sometimes it happens that we want to eat something which is cool and different. Yes you would have guessed right, we are talking about ice creams and kulfis which are eaten not only during summers but winters as well. One can make ice cream candy out of ice-cream or buy it from the market. In market these are available in Ice Cream Candy Box. These ice cream candy boxes have candies stored at low temperature or generally frozen. The same way kulfis can be made at home by using Plastic Kulfi Moulds. For this all the ingredients used for kulfis are mixed together and pour in Plastic Kulfi Moulds which are then stored in a freezer.
More aboutHealthy Food Items: Sometimes Healthy, Sometimes Tasty

How to Make Quick and Easy Side Dishes That Are Healthy and Tasty

Posted by javanuddin on Saturday, February 25, 2012

Side dishes can make or break the meal. Even a quick meal needs good side dishes. Here are some recipes for sides that are quick, easy, and healthy. The Veggie Stuffed Mushrooms are stuffed with broccoli,carrot, onion and cheese. The recipe for Gourmet Artichokes and Spinach also has directions for preparing this dish to be used as an appetizer instead of a side dish.


20 large mushrooms (1 1/2 to 2-inches in diameter)
1/2 cup finely chopped broccoli
1/4 cup finely chopped carrot
1 tbsp finely chopped onion
1 cup seasoned salad croutons, finely crushed down to 1/2 cup
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/8 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter, melted

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut thin slice from stem end of each mushroom; discard. Remove mushroom stems and chop enough to make 1/4 cup. (Save remaining stems for soups, etc) Place mushroom caps, rounded side down, in a baking dish. Place chopped stems, broccoli, carrot, and onion in a small bowl. Add the crushed croutons, cheese and salt to the vegetables in the bowl. Add butter to the bowl and mix well. Spoon the vegetable mixture evenly into the mushroom caps. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until the tops are lightly browned. Serve warm.


1 cup sour cream
1 tbsp cheesy Italian dry salad dressing mix
2 pkg (10-oz each) frozen chopped spinach
1 jar (6 to 8-oz) marinated artichoke hearts
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes

Combine the sour cream and the dry salad dressing mix; set aside.

Place frozen spinach in a 1 1/2 to 2-quart casserole dish, cover and microwave 6 minutes until thawed. Fold the undrained artichoke hearts into the spinach along with the sour cream mixture. Replace the cover. Continue to microwave another 8 minutes. Remove from the microwave and stir the mixture. Top with 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes that have been halved. Cook another minute or two.

Note: To serve as an appetizer, omit the tomatoes. Cover the top with sharp cheddar cheese instead of the tomatoes. Serve with an assortment of whole-wheat crispy crackers or bread sticks.
More aboutHow to Make Quick and Easy Side Dishes That Are Healthy and Tasty

Tips For Making Healthy Food More Tasty

Posted by javanuddin

Losing weight is not an easy business, and you need to eat healthy meals (that are low in calories, salt and saturated fat) on a regular basis. Lets face it, some of those fatty meals are pretty darn tasty, but eating meals that are lower in fat or calories does not have to mean that they should be lacking in taste. Let me give you a few ideas to make your healthy meals taste that little bit better.

Tips For Eating Healthy Tasty Meals

Here are a few suggestions to help put some real flavour in to your healthy meals: -

1. Eat A Healthy Salad Dressing

A salad without dressing is like a burger without cheese for me, but the majority of salad dressings are laden with fat and calories. Try using something healthy to create a dressing and add flavour to your salad, such as flaxseed oil that has a nutty flavour, fat-free buttermilk or a flavoured vinegar. There are reduced-fat dressings available, but be careful and read the labels as some are more healthy than others. Try having your dressing in a pot on the side rather than pouring it all over your salad.

2. Make Your Salad More Interesting?

You can turn a basic salad into something more appealing with a little invention. How about adding some fresh apple and strawberries or some nutritious and tasty spinach? Diced onion or peppers can also add plenty of taste or you could even sprinkle some nuts over your salad.

3. Spice Up Those Healthy Dishes

Rather than adding butter or cheese to your dishes to add flavour, why not consider using some herbs and spices? You can experiment with parsley, garlic, dill, curry, tarragon, sage or whatever you fancy to add some kick to your meal. Bear them in mind when making low-fat dishes such as pasta, soup, casserole and chicken dishes. Try to avoid adding cooking sauces to your meals or gravy as this will pile the calories on.

4. Eat A Healthy Cooked Breakfast

You should avoid fried food, but you can still prepare a healthy and nutritious cooked breakfast. Have strimmed and grilled Canadian bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans, poached eggs and whole grain toast with a low-fat spread. Get in the habit of grilling and steaming your food in order to cut down on the saturated fat and keep the nutrition in your food.

5. Practice Portion Control

Whatever you choose to eat, then make sure you enjoy it in moderation. If you are going to eat something a little more fatty as a treat, then just be sensible. If you are having some pizza, instead of eating a whole one, enjoy a slice with a nice green salad. learn to substitute your fries for a salad or baked potato. Eat a bowl of soup before your main meal, to fill you up and help you avoid eating too much. Eat slowly and stop when you start to feel full, not when you are stuffed.

Follow my tips for making healthy food more tasty and enjoy a well balanced diet, you will be well on the way to achieving your weight loss goals.
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Healthy and Tasty Breakfast Recipe to Help You Slim Down

Posted by javanuddin

Breakfast can be both healthy and delicious and it may also even help you to lose weight. Make sure that you always eat breakfast, as it helps to keep you full until lunch and also help you to have less cravings.

To help make your breakfast exciting again, I will share with you one of my favorite healthy breakfast recipes. It is super tasty and it also contains fat burning foods that may encourage fat burn.

Breakfast wraps

I'm a big fan of tortilla wraps. You can add anything to them and they come out great -this breakfast wrap just proves that! You can spread a little reduced fat mayonnaise on them to make them more moist if you like - just no more than one teaspoon per tortilla.


Serves 2
Number of fat burning foods: 4 (tortillas, eggs, avo oil and the cheese)
Calories per serving:296
Fat per serving:11g

2 whole-wheat tortillas
1 red pepper, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 whole eggs and 4 egg whites, lightly beaten
Pinch of salt
1 tablespoon avocado oil
1 cup low fat cheese


Place tortillas in oven at 180 degrees Celsius/350 degrees Fahrenheit to warm. Heat the avocado oil in a pan and lightly saute the peppers and onion until tender. Add egg mixture and salt. Scramble the egg mixture until done. Divide mixture onto tortillas and lightly sprinkle with the low fat cheese; tuck the lower part of the tortilla in and roll them up.

Hopefully you have enjoyed the recipe as much as I have. Please let me know what you thought about it. If you want to be healthier and maybe even also lose a bit of weight, you also have to exercise regularly.
More aboutHealthy and Tasty Breakfast Recipe to Help You Slim Down

Four Tasty Salmon Recipes

Posted by javanuddin

Eating two portions of salmon each week is a great way to get a healthy dose of omega-3 fish oils. This is a fatty acid that encourages brain growth and reduces your chances of heart disease. On its own, salmon has a tendency to be quite bland; however we are including four tasty salmon recipes that will ensure that your salmon is bursting with flavor!

Soy and Honey Salmon

1lb center-cut salmon fillet, skinless (chopped into 4 equal portions)
1 scallion (finely chopped)
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp honey
1tsp fresh ginger (finely chopped)
1 tsp toasted sesame seeds (optional)


Mix together the scallion, vinegar, ginger, honey, and soy sauce in a bowl. Place the salmon in a large Ziploc plastic bag and add three tablespoons of the sauce mixture and place it n the refrigerator to marinate. Line a baking pan with aluminum foil and spray with a bit of cooking spray. After 15 minutes in the fridge, move the salmon to the baking pan. Broil the salmon for about six to ten minutes. Drizzle the remaining soy sauce mixture onto the fish. And top with sesame seeds.

Baked Salmon with Dijon Mustard

4 salmon fillets
3 tbsp Dijon mustard
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 tbsp honey
4 tsp chopped fresh parsley
1/4 cup dry bread crumbs
1/4 cup finely chopped pecans
salt and pepper to taste


In a bowl, mix together the honey, butter, and mustard. Set this mixture aside, and in another bowl mix together the pecans, bread crumbs, and parsley. Give each salmon fillet a good coating of the honey and mustard mixture. Sprinkle the tops with bread crumbs and bake it at 400 degrees F for about 15 minutes, or until it is thoroughly cooked. Season with salt and pepper.

Salmon Steaks with Dill

4 salmon steaks
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1 tbsp butter or margarine
1 can condensed cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup half-and-half
2 tbsp white wine or chicken broth
2 tbsp chopped fresh dill


Put a teaspoon of butter in a skillet and saute the onions. Add in the cream of chicken soup, wine/broth, half-and-half, and dill and mix well. Put the salmon steaks on top of the mixture, then cover the skillet to allow the steaks to simmer. After about 15 minutes, test the salmon with a fork. If it flakes easily, it's done!

Salmon Burgers

2 1/2 lbs king salmon fillet (skinned and de-boned)
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup red onion (finely chopped)
2 tsp horseradish
2 eggs (lightly beaten)
1 tbsp rosemary
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp olive oil


Cut the salmon into strips. Cut those strips cross-wise, then continue chopping until the fish is minced. Be sure to remove any bones you may come across. In a bowl, mix together the salmon and bread crumbs. When they are well mixed, add the onion, horseradish, eggs, and Dijon mustard. Season with salt, pepper, and rosemary, then put in the refrigerator for about half an hour. Allow your grill to heat up to a medium-high heat while you shape the salmon mixture into burger patties (roughly eight). Coat each patty lightly with olive oil then grill the salmon for about five minutes on each side.
More aboutFour Tasty Salmon Recipes

Healthy, Nutritious and Tasty Carrot Dessert

Posted by javanuddin

Healthy, nutritious and tasty carrot cake recipe are considered one of the best desserts to have on cold winter nights. Packed with essential nutrients and vitamins in the form of nuts, eggs and lots of carrots, these cakes are easy to prepare at home. Given below is a popular homemade carrot cake recipe.

What you will need:
- Vegetable oil - 2 cups
- White sugar - 2 2/3 cups
- Eggs - 5 (at room temperature)
- Peeled and grated carrots - 2 2/3 cups
- Cut walnuts - 1 1/3 cups
- Diced pineapple - 1 1/3 cups
- Coconut flakes - 2/3 cup
- Raisins - 1/3 cup
- All-purpose flour - 3 1/2 cups
- Baking soda - 1 1/3 tablespoons
- Baking powder - 1 1/3 tablespoons
- Ground cinnamon - 2 2/3 tablespoons
- Salt - 1 teaspoon

To prepare:
- Preheat the oven to 180C.
- Grease two 10-inch baking tins using flour and oil.
- In a deep mixing bowl, break the eggs and add the sugar.
- Use an electric blender to beat the mix for about 2 minutes.
- Add the vegetable oil to the mix and beat some more until you get a smooth emulsion.
- Add the grated carrot and diced pineapple. Switch from electric blender to a spoon to mix the ingredients.
- Add the coconut flakes and raisins and mix well.
- In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder, ground cinnamon and salt.
- Add the flour mix to the wet ingredients, spoon by spoon, and mix well to avoid any lumps.
- Pour the prepared batter in the two greased pans and smooth the tops.
- Bake in the preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes.
- Let the cake cool for about 30 minutes before removing from the tin and cutting to serve.

Serving suggestions:

Carrot cake is best served with cream cheese frosting. You can use this frosting in layers or over the whole cake; or you can also prepare two different cakes and join them using a layer of cream cheese frosting.

Another popular option for serving and decorating this cake is to cover the top and sides with cream cheese frosting and sprinkle coconut flakes all around the cake.

You can also use cornflakes on the frosting for the crunchy texture.

Caramel sauce also tastes very good with the carrot cake. You can either drizzle some caramel sauce over the homemade carrot cake or serve it on the side.

Honey and cream also goes well with delicious carrot cake. Serve the cake warm when serving with honey.
More aboutHealthy, Nutritious and Tasty Carrot Dessert

Healthy Food Can Be Tasty

Posted by javanuddin

Junk food is not the be all and end all when it comes to taste. It is food that has been processed to the extreme and is now an American way of life. It is a common term used for any food item that is perceived to be unhealthy and has low or poor nutritional value.

Generally,it is given a very attractive appearance by adding food additives and colors to enhance flavor, texture, appearance, and increasing long self life. Of course, it is also readily available at restaurant chains across the country in the form of French fries, chicken nuggets, shakes, soda, etc.

However there is an organization called "Parents Against Junk Food" which is a nonprofit organization with a simple mission: Stop the Sale of Junk Food in America's Schools.

It is widely believed that it does not contain the essential fatty acids that the body requires to keep its largest organ, the skin, healthy. It is recommended that food supplements in the form of vitamins should be taken daily if the habit cannot be broken.

The body will also be lacking in proteins, fiber and other nutrients required for a healthy diet, and the consumption of products considered junk food has been associated with many health problems including obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and dental cavities.

Similarly, breakfast cereals are often regarded as healthy but may have high levels of sugar, salt and fat. The offspring of rats fed fatty, processed food had high levels of fat in their bloodstream and around major organs even after adolescence.

Nutritionists, doctors, and other health advocates often work to educate people about it, encouraging them to eat well balanced diets which contain a high proportion of healthy foods. These professionals almost unanimously hold the view that there are no good foods and bad foods, only good diets and bad diets.

The number of obese or overweight children in Britain aged between two and 15 has risen to about 30% in recent years. Changing your diet and taking exercise is a step in the right direction and as you replace fat with muscle, your clothes will become looser and your body firmer, but your weight may not change (muscle weighs more). In fact, the needle on the weight scale might not turn at all, but the heads of friends probably will. To lose weight, you've got to junk that junk food.

We all know that junk food is cheap and easy compared to quality raw materials (fresh veggies, organic meat, milk, fruit). For better or for worse (mostly worse), it is now available all over the world.

Apart for obesity, the other huge effect that bad eating habits bring on is skin rashes, eczema and psoriasis. It is reported that 25% of children under the age of five now suffer from eczema compared with less than 3% 50 years ago before junk food was so prevalent.

To combat these skin problems one of the latest discoveries is that the natural oil found in crocodile fat heals most forms of eczema in children within a few weeks. However is it not easy to get hold of and few pharmacies stock it.

The answer of course is to change your diet as junk food equals junk skin.
More aboutHealthy Food Can Be Tasty