Are you looking to lose a lot of weight and fast?
Have you recently received an invitation to attend a wedding or class reunion?
Struggling with getting into your favorite gown or pair of slacks?
If you're like most, these are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of embarrassing moments. Not feeling at peace with the person in the mirror can be devastating. Imagine how not looking and feeling good about yourself affects your life. A sad and frustrated dieter who has yet to see results is someone who may or may not lack self-confidence, have negative personal and professional relationships and maybe wasting tons of money on non-nutritious foods.
If that is you than look no further. Contrary to what you may believe there are lots of others potentially feeling the same pain as you. Build on that bond and look for support in times of need. Now I cannot and will not offer you a false and exaggerated approach to weight loss. It's a waste of time and won't solve anything.
What I can honestly say and promise to you is a systematic approach that is easy-to-follow and bottom line has been proven to work. My strategy is focused around moderate calorie cuts of 100 per meal at least three times a week. For example for breakfast take whatever you like to eat and find a way to cut at least 100 calories from it at least three times per week. By doing this you will have shaved 300 calories off of your diet every week. Repeating this process for an entire year (52 weeks) and you're looking at a drop off of five pounds. It may make better sense if I explained it in different terms 100 calories x 3 times/week x 52 weeks=15,600 calories/5 pounds.
Snacks and desserts
We all like to snack here and there to break the monotony of a regimented meal plan. And there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, research shows that people who snack are better able to control their weight and eat less than those who do not. As with anything, it's all about moderation.
Frozen fruit smoothie
A fruit smoothie is an excellent choice when you feel the urge to snack. One of my favorite recipes calls for one cup of strawberries, ½ banana, 1/3 cup of whey protein, and water. Combine the ingredients in a blender and drink when ready. This refreshingly tasty treat will cut around 200 calories per serving compared to store-bought pre-made mixes. Furthermore, the whey protein will provide your body with a supply of amino acids which help metabolizing and with weight loss.
Ice cream
Yes, I said ice cream. Haagen-Dazs specifically offers a chocolaty rich sorbet that will have your taste buds cheering and your mind at ease. Browse your favorite supermarket and you'll be sure to find that when looking in Haagen-Dazs section a sorbet that is completely fat-free, contains some protein in addition to fiber which are all good nutrients and helpful to you in your weight loss plan. On average, you're looking to save 100 calories and 14 grams of fat per serving when compared to a serving of Haagen-Dazs' chocolate fudge ice cream.
Snacks and desserts are kind of one the sensitive topics of discussion when it comes to dieting and weight loss. Most of the time it's because there is a perceived fear felt by many that by somehow having a snack here and there is cheating yourself and ultimately a step backwards. As you've discovered through this article there are several options that allow you to find that happy medium between being healthy and tasty.
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