Holiday Heartburn - A Few Healthy Food Tips

Posted by javanuddin on Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Every year the holiday brings with it parties, festivities and temptations. Plates of tasty goodies seem to appear at every turn. So much food sure can make it hard to stick to any kind of diet, including a heartburn diet. But, at home you do have control over what you eat. Even if routines fly out the window there are things you can do to help the family lean toward a healthy diet.

Here are a few tips, that you can use to lessen the odds of heartburn mishaps or calorie overload. Those delicious little cookies can be a special treat rather than a snack, by storing them away, out of sight. Instead, offer up some healthy snacks, in plain view. Offering a decorative bowel of assorted fruit will look very inviting on the kitchen table.

An option to opening the bag of chips, is to go with string beans and ranch dipping sauce. Or for the younger set try some graham cracker squares with peanut butter and banana slices. One way to make it more interesting to your customers is to have choices. A selection of two or three snacks can be more appealing. "Some assembly required" can make snacks a time for creativity as well as healthy eating.

The holiday gift giving season offers the opportunity for some healthy giving. For yourself, a good gift would be a plan for a healthier body. The healthy body that comes from exercise and diet adds up to an important gift.. All it takes to get this rolling is a little can do attitude.

With this attitude comes the need for a little planning. A remedy for heartburn can easily be a part of this health plan. Its a matter of loading your grocery cart with more vegetables, especially the dark green and dark yellow ones.

These vegetables are the especially healthy ones. Use these as the foundation for a 60-40 meal plan. Try for 60 percent plant foods and carbs, and 40 percent animal products. This could really lessen heartburn, eight gain and do a lot to ward off winter illnesses.

Putting this ratio of greenery into the system ensures a good measure of calcium, magnesium and potassium - the gatekeepers for a healthy system. They do this by turning the system into an alkaline environment unsuitable to many harmful bacteria, the kind that causes colds, flu and other illnesses.

There is something else just as important. Thats a daily workout that tones muscles and strengthens the heart and lungs also improves bones and improves digestion.

A low impact workout and sunshine are the keys to turning calcium into bone mass. The skeleton and digestive system share this need for calcium. This is a problem easily solved, with a daily walk and three servings of vegetables.

In another approach to heartburn treatment there is the use of natural remedies as way to cure heartburn. These usually overlooked herbs and fruits, so simple in their effectiveness, should be a real consideration. They are the reliable means of giving what the body needs. Its a way you can add to your health plan, and for dealing with heartburn. Start to improve the bodys natural balance.

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